Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch.
Soul Eater is an anime that centers around meisters and their weapons and their mission to collect 99 evil souls and 1 witch soul. Upon doing that the meister's weapons will become a Deathscythe, which is the highest title for a weapon. Maka, Soul Eater, Black Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid, and Patty and Liz Thompson are the characters Soul Eater revolves around. Besides taking the time to gather souls these students of Shibusen defend Death City from some of the most powerful of creatures while still attending school and trying to become stronger.
Episode 20 - "Black Blood's Resonance War! Small Soul's Large Struggle to Oppose Fear?"
As Black Star escapes and Maka starts fighting Crona, Stein is worried about the black blood that flows in Soul's veins, just when the duo is resonating and pushing themselves to the limit. Soul faces the imp inside him, but he receives a strange visit, Maka, as part of the imp's plan to take over their souls. The imp states he can give them more power. Maka accepts it in order to fight Crona; Soul ends up accepting it too. A crazy Maka with a funny, yet scary face, is the result.
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